KOD Mobile App Feature Requests

Bankroll Management
One of the core values at Knights of Degen is betting responsibly which comes down to smart bankroll management. Matt Proto enlightened me to his bankroll management system in Fight Knight, and it completely changed the way I think about betting. I think a Bankroll Management tab within the Profile section (only viewable by the user logged in), would make our app not only valuable from a social/alpha point of view, but from a betting management and organization point of view (I find this tremendously valuable). The set up below is how I would organize it (based upon Matt Proto's teachings): Column A: Sport League (filterable by NBA, NFL, etc) Column B: Name of Bet (OG Anunoby o1.5 3-pointers made) Column C: Bet Type (filterable by Straight, Parlay, Teaser, etc) Column D: $ Amount bet Column E: $ Amount bet as a "% of bankroll" (to start using this feature, an individual must enter their beginning bankroll value - e.g. I could say my starting bankroll is $2,000 - this would mean a bet of $20 represents a 1% of my bankroll if it is currently at $2000. If I lose that bet, my bankroll lowers to $1,980 - in which case, my next $20 bet would represent 1.01% of bankroll. We can use color indicators to help people understand how aggressive their bets are in relation to their bankroll (e.g. a bet that is > 4% of bankroll is considered aggressive (Red), 2-4%(Yellow) of bankroll is considered moderate, and <2% is considered conservative (Green). As someone's bankroll increases/decreases, it helps them determine what their unit size should be as a % of bankroll. E.g. perhaps once someone enters their beginning bankroll, the app spits out a recommended unit size based upon their betting style from a drop-down menu (e.g. if they enter $2,000 bankroll and select "Aggressive" from the betting style drop down menu, it spits out a recommnded unit size of $80 ($2,000 x 4%), or if they select "Moderate" it spits out $50 ($2,000 x 2.5%), and so on.) The current bankroll and recommended unit size would be static information at the top of the bankroll management section that only serves as a guide - this way, people don't need to enter the units each time on the app, it just pulls the $ information from the sportsbook. Column F: Win/Loss Column G: Bankroll ($) after bet (this is "pending" until the bet completes - either adding or subtracting the bet ($) amount. Note: people may want to change their bankroll $ over time (e.g. tomorrow I may decide to add $500 to my bankroll. So in order to maintain the correct % of bankroll at any given time in column E, the static "Bankroll" section at the top could have a +/- button, allowing people to increase or decrease it. The key is that once it is increased/decreased it doesn't change the entire history of the table, but only changes on bets going forward. This way, your bet history shows a true % of bankroll at that time, not as it relates to the new current bankroll. This system would be very helpful in not only tracking bets, but having a window into how it's impacting your bankroll overtime and how you may want to change your bet size as your bankroll either goes up or down based upon your risk tolerance.
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